Patient Information:
Interpreter Service:
If you or family members require an interpreter service, we can organise this for you. Please let us know when you make your appointment.
Scripts, Referrals & Forms:
Please make an appointment with your GP for these. They will not be provided by phone request or via family members. Medicare requires that the Doctor sees you in person to address the problem for which you are being referred. Referrals are ideally obtained from your usual independent tenant GP as correspondence from the specialist is returned to the referring Doctor. Forms should be completed during your appointment and may not be left for the Doctor.
Results (pathology, imaging, biopsies, etc) should be followed up in person with the Doctor who initiated the investigations as the subsequent actions are as important as the results obtained. Courtesy recall letters are sent for results not yet addressed, however the follow up of your results are your responsibility. It is recommended that you organise a follow up consult at the time of initiating investigations.
You may be charged a gap on the day, payable at the time of consultation. Independent tenant GP bulk bill patients with a healthcare card or pensioners card and children under 16. EFTPOS is available, we accept VISA or Mastercard. Full payment is required on the day. No credit is given.
If you can’t keep your appointment please inform us as early as possible, to enable another person to access the Doctor. If you have missed 3 or more appointments with any of our doctors without adequate notice, we reserve the right to refuse an appointment.
Patient Call-back:
Any patient requesting phone contact with their doctor will be asked to leave the doctor a message to return your call at the earliest convenience. The urgency of the matter will be determined by the Doctor.
At present, we do not communicate with individual patients by email as we cannot ensure your privacy.
Reminder System:
Our medical complex is committed to preventative care. You may receive a reminder notice from us from time to time offering you preventative health services appropriate to your care. Please remember this is a courtesy reminder, it is your responsibility to follow up any recommended actions in a timely manner.
Your feedback is important to us – Please feel free to talk to your doctor or receptionist. We take your concerns, suggestions or complaints seriously. However, if you wish to take the matter further and feel that you need to discuss the matter outside the surgery you can contact Complaints Commissioner, Health & Community Services;
PO Box 199, Rundle Mall, Adelaide, SA 5000
Phone: 08 8226 8666
Management of Your Personal Health Information:
Your medical record is a confidential document. It is medical complex policy to maintain security of your personal health information at all times. Access is limited to authorised staff only.
How to Get The Best Out of Your Healthcare:
It is well known that patients and families that attend one GP or General Practice most of the time, have better health outcomes than those who attend multiple medical practices. When you consult a Doctor outside your “medical home”, request the results of investigations be forwarded to your usual independent tenant GP as well, to inform them of your care and for future reference.
An ongoing relationship with a GP that you trust, feel comfortable with and who has access to your complete medical history is crucial in ensuring you receive high quality healthcare. Even when you feel healthy, your independent tenant GP can help you optimise your lifestyle, organise regular preventative health checks and initiate early treatment for ailments as they arise.
Your wellbeing underpins your ability to manage the priorities in your life. Looking after yourself, optimises your performance and positively influences those around you to also become healthier, especially those you care about.
AMA Practice Ethic:
The Australian Medical Association promotes a body of ethical principles to guide Doctors' conduct in their interactions with patients, colleagues and society. Doctors have a responsibility to improve and maintain the health of their patients who, either in a vulnerable state of illness or for the maintenance of their health, entrust themselves to medical care and prohibits Doctors from behaving in their own self-interest. Glenelg South Medical Centre abides by this code of ethics
After Hours Care:
To access a Doctor consult, please phone the normal surgery number 8295 7370 for 24-hour care. When we are closed, you can call Home Doctor Service on 8130 3333 who can provide our patients with after hours service.
Opening Hours
8:30am – 5.00pm
8:30am – 5.00pm
8:30am – 5.00pm
8:30am – 5.00pm
8:30am – 5.00pm
Public Holidays
Please download and complete the following form and bring it to your first appointment. This will save you some time before your consult.